3 Motivational Stories About Running

In the tapestry of human perseverance, running weaves a thread of transformative power, connecting diverse lives through shared struggle and triumph. These three tales illuminate the profound impact of putting one foot in front of … Read More

motivational stories about teachers

3 Motivational Stories About Teachers

In the education system where minds are made and futures are created, teachers are the unheros, their effect is felt for generations. Here are three stories of the extra ordinary dedication, flexibility and compassion of … Read More

MLK or Martin Luther King

Who Are Some Great Leaders?

In this article, let’s go over who are some great leaders. What this post aims to achieve is to help you understand what a great leader is and who are some great leaders. This way, … Read More

What Makes Someone Inspiring?

Have you ever come across a person and felt inspired by their presence? To know what makes them that way, this article will fill you in. Here, we’ll talk about what makes someone inspiring. We’ll … Read More

How Do You Fight Overthinking?

How Do You Fight Overthinking?

Too much thinking is tiresome. There are times you need to chill and accept whatever will happen. Otherwise, you’ll get tired and caught up in a mentally declining state. In this post, let’s answer this … Read More

What Triggers Overthinking

What Triggers Overthinking?

Is overthinking causing you to freak out a lot? Then you need to understand it so you can make it stop. Otherwise, overthinking will get the better of you and ruin different aspects of your … Read More

Why Do I Worry So Much About Everything?

Spending too much time worrying may mean something’s wrong.  So if you asked this question: “Why do I worry so much?”, it’s best to find a solution right away. We’ll talk about the causes of … Read More

taking responsibility for your actions

Taking Responsibility for Your Actions: 15 Ways

Taking responsibility for your actions isn’t always easy. However, it’s a telltale sign of maturity. Don’t know how to take responsibility for your actions? Let this article help.  Here, we’ll discuss the importance of taking … Read More