Last Updated on May 21, 2024
Need a motivational story about time management?
Most of us lead a fast-paced lifestyle. Virtually everything we do is done on the fly. And thanks to technology, we can process information on the go.
But ask yourself this: when was the last time you took it slow? Can you remember the last time you took a breather, played with the kids, or caught up with good friends? Does work keep you from cultivating meaningful connections with people that truly matter?
Time Management Story: Rocks in a Jar

A professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a large empty jar and filled it with rocks right to the top, rocks about 2″ in diameter.
He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. The students laughed.
He asked his students again if the jar was full. They agreed that, yes, it was.
The professor then picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this is your life.
The rocks are the important things – your family, your partner, your health, your children -anything that is so important to you that you would be nearly destroyed if it were lost.
The pebbles are the other things in life that matter on a smaller scale. The pebbles represent things like your job, house, or car. The sand is everything else, the “small stuff.”
“If you put the sand or the pebbles into the jar first, there is no room for the rocks.
The same goes for your life. If you spend all your energy and time on the small stuff and material things, you will never have room for the things that are indeed the most important.
Pay attention to the important things in your life and spend time on the important ones.
Time Management Short Story Lessons
Let’s take a look at the lessons to be learned from these time management stories:
Lesson 1: Manage Your Time Well

In the time management story above, the professor says every aspect of your life affects the people around you and the things you hold dear. You can have time for everything if you learn what or who to prioritize first.
The practical idea of living a “rich person” life is looking beyond the superficial and recognizing which part to focus on your way to a better life.
Nothing gives a person fulfillment than working hard for what he or she believes in. And we are at our happiest when we are building our ideal lives. You cannot create a happy life if you keep wasting your time on things that don’t matter.
Do one thing at a time and do it well. Build your life on solid ground to thrive and weather the harshest storms.
Lesson 2: Care For Things that Matter to You
Like most people, you probably go through the motions without much thought about why you’re working so hard in the first place.
Now, some work hard to afford nice things: a big house, a nice car, and money in the bank. All these things are valuable; we aspire to a comfortable life for our family and ourselves. But sadly, others focus too much on material possessions, not for others but for themselves.
The desire to accumulate material possessions could easily spill into all facets of a person’s life.
The desire for wealth, fame, and influence is all-consuming and addicting. And some people spend all their lives trying and failing to accumulate these things with little thought about things that matter until it’s too late: their family, health, and peace of mind.
Living a fulfilling life starts with knowing what’s important to you and holding it close to your heart. Life is too short to focus on things that don’t matter.
Lesson 3: Always Make Time for Things that Matter
We all lead busy lives, and most barely have time to cultivate meaningful connections.
For instance, working a 9-5 job is not a requirement in life. Sure, you need to earn and make money to live another day. And you need to work to make money. But nobody said you have to burn the midnight oil and stress yourself out so you can make a few bucks!
All the rules you thought about what matters in life don’t matter, especially in the face of time ticking down!
When was the last time you ate dinner as a family or shared a good laugh with friends? What’s the point of working extra hours for the kids when your children think of you as a stranger in your home?
I’m sure work or whatever’s keeping you busy daily is vital to the now. After all, it gives you a sense of purpose; it motivates you to keep going.
But don’t let your entire life get in the way of caring for things that matter to you. Don’t wait until it’s too late, take a step back and make time for your friends and family.
Do things that give you a sense of fulfillment. Try something new every day! When it comes to quality time with your family, be selfless.
Lesson 4: Achieving Balance in Life

In the story, the little pebbles representing minor life things crowd the bigger stones.
Hence, the bigger stones, which represent all the essential things in life, have very little room in the jar.
This means you cannot focus too much on one thing and completely neglect the other.
You must learn to find balance in your life to create harmony. You’ll always neglect certain aspects of your life if you don’t. And this will lead to discord and dissatisfaction.
Achieving balance doesn’t mean cramming every possible activity you can in a day. It’s about making compromises, setting priorities, and never sweating the small stuff.
Lesson 5: Develop an Efficient Mindset

Planning and taking a breather help to create an efficient mindset. After all, an active mindset is critical to managing time well. Cluttering your life with unnecessary things will only slow you down.
You must always have quality time for yourself and your family. Focus on activities that enrich your life. Don’t waste a good day drowning in a steady stream of work-related tasks and activities.
Slow down, connect with your friends and families, and learn to recharge. Take a breather to clear your head. This way, you don’t feel so burned out at work. You can easily take on any task, knowing that you don’t deprive yourself of a good time.
Motivational Story About Time Management: Final Words
From the story above, you should be able to implement some of the lessons listed above and hone your time management skills much better.
The skills you’ll acquire should set you on a proper path and lead you to a more luxurious life.
This life isn’t about earning as much money and as many credits because we all know these can easily be taken away from us.
I’m talking about living a good life where you get to do the things you love the most that matter to you.
And you can only achieve this peaceful life–the desired person you want to become– if you know how to organize your priorities and time properly.